Leader Guide


  • Permanent marker
  • Four medium-size balloons, plus extras for breakage
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Blow up and tie four balloons closed. 

Write “Sin” on two balloons.

Leave the other two balloons blank.

In Large Group, you were asked to watch closely for what Cornelius did as Peter entered his home. What did he do?He fell at Peter’s feet and worshiped him.<

What did Peter say? He told Cornelius to stand up because he was a human being just like him.  

Peter knew He was a servant and messenger of God and would not accept worship or praise that belonged to God. Before we play our game, I would like you to answer this multiple choice question. Can Jesus cleanse:

  • A. Some sins.
  • B. Most sins.
  • C. All sins.
  • D. No sins.

C—all sins.  

Correct! Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” 

Now, let’s play a game about this.  

Divide the children into two equal teams. Have the teams make two single-file lines, with players standing about an arm’s length behind each other, and leaving several feet of space between the teams—see illustration. Give a “Sin” balloon to the player at the front of each line. Give a blank “clean” balloon to the player at the back of each line. Start the game. Without turning around, the first player must toss the “sin” balloon backward over his or her head to the player directly behind. If a balloon falls to the ground, the player who was to receive the toss must pick it up and continue play from that point.The balloon continues to move backward in this way until it is caught by the player at the back of the line.

That player keeps the “Sin” balloon in one hand while using the other hand to toss the “clean” balloon to the player directly ahead. This balloon moves forward until it reaches the player at the front of the line. At the end of the round, the entire team immediately turns around to face the opposite end of the room, and the second round begins. The player who was at the back of the line is now at the front of the line. He/she tosses the “sin” balloon overhead and backward to the player directly behind. Continue with the game as it was played in the first round. The first team to complete both rounds wins. Play again if time permits. 

That looked like a lot of fun! In our game, when we let go of our sin, representing confession, what did we receive back on the second balloon? Did it say rejection or punishment? No—it didn’t say anything!  

Hold up the blank balloon and spin it around slowly to inspect it. You are right, there is nothing on this balloon; that’s because it is clean—it has been cleansed! 

God is not eagerly waiting to punish us for our sins; He is ready to forgive us and cleanse us of all our sin. No matter what sin we have committed, Jesus forgives us and cleanses our hearts! 

Conclusion: We should never try to hide our sins from God, because He can see everything we’ve ever done! He sent Jesus to die on the cross to take our punishment, so that when we confess our sins to Jesus, we are forgiven and cleansed.