Leader Guide
Teaching Time
- Tape
- Two Chairs
- Painter's tape or masking tape
- Bible or Superbook Bible App
Text: Genesis 17:1-7,18:1-15, 21:1-6
Make one copy of each sign in color or black and white.
Tape each sign to the back of a chair.
Tape a line several feet long on the floor, leaving lots of space on both sides.
Place the Abraham Sign chair on one side of the end of the line.
Place the Sarah Sign chair on the opposite side of the same end of the line.
The two signs should now be facing the line on either side of it.
Have children stand in a single row on the tape and facing the signs. Make sure children have space in front and behind.
Read the following true and untrue statements. Children decide if each statement is true or untrue. Each child then moves to the Abraham side of the tape for true statements or to the Sarah side of the tape for untrue (false) statements. Have a quick talk about each statement, especially Bible truths, so children know the truth.
For untrue statements, ask children to correct the statement to make it true. For example, God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby girl. (No, God gave them a baby boy).
If two true or untrue statements are read in a row, children can move back and forth from one side and return back to the side where they were standing so they still move instead of standing idle. True statements are bold text. Add your own statements as desired.
We watched the Bible story about Abraham and Sarah. Let’s see how much of the Bible story you can remember.
At the beginning of today’s Bible story, Jonathan was king. Children choose a side.
Saul was king.
God loved Abraham. Children choose a side.
In the Bible story, Abraham was very young. Children choose a side.
No, he was old.
Abraham was married to a woman named Susan. Children choose a side.
Abraham was married to Sarah.
God made a promise to Abraham called a coconut. Children choose a side.
No, it was called a covenant.
In God’s covenant to Abraham, He promised Abraham that he would have more descendants than there are stars in the sky. Children choose a side.
Years later, God promised Abraham that Sarah would give birth to twin girls. Children choose a side.
No, God promised that Sarah would give birth to a son (boy).
Abraham waited patiently and trusted in God’s promise to him. Children choose a side.
When Sarah heard God promise, she cried. Children choose a side.
No, she laughed.
Sarah laughed because she thought she was too old to give birth to a baby. Children choose a side.
God was faithful and kept His promise. Sarah gave birth to a baby boy! Children choose a side.
God can do anything. We can trust Him to keep all of His promises in the Bible. Children choose a side.
Sarah laughed because she thought she was too old to give birth to a baby. But when her son Isaac was born, she laughed because she was full of joy and thanksgiving to God for His amazing miracle!