Leader Guide

Object to GO!

  • Artist's Paintbrush
  • Paintbrush Image (provided)
Optional: make a copy of the Paintbrush Image in color or black and white.

Hold up the paintbrush or the image. Lead a discussion with the comments and questions below:

● What am I holding? A paintbrush.

● Would a painter use a brush this size to paint a house? No, it is too small.

● Who might use a brush like this? An artist, someone painting a picture.

● (Demonstrate) Make big brush strokes with your hand if you have ever painted a picture. Children respond.

● Would you like to share what you painted? Children respond.

● In the next video, someone at Quantum Labs wants to be an artist. Who do you think it is? Rig, Widget, Professor Fern, Gizmo, Gears or Miss Tina? Children guess.

● Let’s watch the video to see who guessed correctly and what the artist painted.

Leave the question unanswered until it is revealed in the video.

Play Video (Prodigy Rig)


Prodigy Rig

After the video, ask the following discussion questions:

● Raise your hand if you guessed Rig wanted to be an artist. Children respond.

● Who was Rig painting? Professor Quantum.

● When Miss Tina first looked at Rig’s picture, did she know who he was painting? No.

● What did Miss Tina say to encourage Rig to be patient? This was his first painting, he had only been painting a few hours, learning something new takes time.

Rig said he was patient with many things, but Miss Tina said he also needed to have patience with himself! Sometimes it can be frustrating and disappointing when we try something for the first time. We probably can’t do it as quickly and as well as we would like. Nobody is good at everything, especially when it is new. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you with what you’re doing, and God will help you to be patient with yourself. Just be the best YOU can be, with God’s help!