Leader Guide

Verse to GO!

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Romans 12:12 (CEV)

"Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying."

Today’s lesson is about patience. Can someone tell me what patience means?

Patience means to trust and wait without complaining.

Stand facing the children and lead them in repeating phrases and imitating the motions.

Smile as big as you can if you are ready to learn the first part of today’s memory verse. Children respond.

Let your hope … Look up and raise both arms toward heaven.

Make you glad… Smile and clap hands.

Repeat slowly a few more times.

To hope means to want something to happen or be true.

When we believe in Jesus, our hope and trust is in Him to forgive us, to protect us, to hear and answer our prayers, and to one day take us to heaven.

When we have hope in Jesus, it makes us glad because no matter what happens, His promises to us are always true. Abraham and Sarah had hope in God’s promise and it made them glad when their son was born!

It isn’t always easy to have patience as we hope for something. When we choose to be patient, God will help us do it because He grows patience inside us!

Note: Preschool children may not be able to memorize the entire verse. They may simply repeat it with you. Be sure all children understand its meaning