Leader Guide

Optional: Object Lesson

  • Handheld mirror
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App

Artists often paint on paper or something called canvas. A masterpiece is a painting that is an artist’s very best work, and it is unique and special.

Did you know that God is an artist who creates masterpieces? God’s masterpieces are not made on paper or canvas though. I am going to read a verse from the Bible: “For we are God’s masterpiece.

He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT):

Hold the mirror in front of the children and slowly move it from child to child so the children can see their faces as you speak. The Bible verse says that YOU are God’s masterpiece!

Turn the mirror toward you and look into it. I am God’s masterpiece too!

Let’s count to three slowly on our fingers and then shout, “ I am God’s masterpiece!” Count and shout with the children.

God created you, brand new! No one is exactly like you. You are special and unique. He created you to do good things so people could see His love and goodness in you.

God has patience with you as you learn and grow. It takes time to learn something new. You will make mistakes and mess up sometimes, but He never stops loving you. He patiently works in Your life to help you become all that He created You to be! If God is patient, you need to be patient with yourself too!