Leader Guide


Make two copies of the Bible Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Make two copies of the Mag-Sys Pattern in color or black and white.

Make two copies each of the SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2 on cardstock.
Tape the Bible Sign Patterns to the front of the boxes or small, clean trash cans.

Cut, fold and tape the Mag-Sys Patterns according to the instructions.

Cut apart the cards for SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2. Mix them up and place them in one box or trash can. Repeat this for the other set of SuperCard Patterns 1 and 2, then place them in the other box or trash can.

Place the boxes near one end of the room, leaving a few feet between them.

Tape or mark a line on the floor about 15 feet from the boxes.

Why was Chris so nervous about the Mag-Sys being lost? He didn’t want to let his father down and disappoint him. The exhibit would be ruined.

What did Chris do before going to sleep in King Solomon’s palace? He prayed for wisdom.

In addition to praying and asking God directly for wisdom, where can we find true wisdom? In the Bible, from godly people we trust.

Yes, that is what this game is about; the Bible contains true wisdom of God. Players will walk quickly to the team “Bible” box and pull out a card which has a word or words from the SuperTruth and SuperVerse which always contain true wisdom. The players will bring the card back to the team to assemble in order.

Oh wait, walking back and forth sounds a little too easy, doesn’t it! I forgot something. We said you would get to hold a model of Professor Quantum’s Mag-Sys during the game—so watch closely as I demonstrate how to play. Hold a Mag-Sys craft and balance the tennis ball on top as you walk toward a Bible box and take out a card. Then walk back to the line. After you demonstrate, return the card to the box before the game begins.

That will make it a little more fun and challenging for you. Now let’s get started!

Divide the class into two equal teams. If teams are unequal, a player may play twice.

Teams line up behind the line opposite one box at the other end of the room.

Give the first player on each team a Mag-Sys model and a ball.

Start the game by saying, “Go find wisdom!”

The first player on each team walks quickly to their team’s Bible box while balancing the ball on the Mag-Sys model. They can’t use their free hand to steady the ball at any time.

Players then remove a card from the box and travel back the same way.

The next players take the Mag-Sys and ball to repeat the process.

Players place the card on the floor near their team line, putting the cards in order to form the SuperVerse and SuperTruth.

The first team to do this wins!

If a ball falls to the ground at any point, the player must pick it up and continue from that point, no matter where the ball rolled!

Conclusion: Great job getting wisdom! Was it difficult to balance the ball on the Mag-Sys? The Bible is always a reliable source of true wisdom for our lives. Let’s learn more about true wisdom!