Leader Guide


Make one copy of the Start Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Make one copy of the Wisdom Sign Pattern in color or black and white.

Cut the Wisdom Pattern into three separate signs: “You,” “God’s True Wisdom,” and “World’s Wisdom.”

Tape the “You” Sign to the box with a lid.

Tape the “God’s True Wisdom” sign to one pitcher, and the “World’s Wisdom” sign to the other pitcher.

Use a paper shredder or scissors to cut up the colored paper into confetti, keeping the two colors of paper separate.

Put one color of confetti into the “World’s Wisdom” pitcher, and the other color into the “God’s Wisdom” pitcher.

Place the box and two pitchers on the table with signs toward the children.

Make copies of the Mag-Sys Outside Pattern and the Mag-Sys Inside Pattern; one set per child plus extras.

Make a model of the Mag-Sys craft to display.

Let’s say today’s SuperTruth together: “True wisdom comes from God.”

Read Psalm 111:10:

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey His commandments will grow in wisdom.

Other Bible versions say it this way:

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

What do you think the fear of the Lord means? To respect God and submit to Him; to be in awe and wonder of Him; to acknowledge His greatness and holiness.

Yes, we must lovingly serve, respect and honor the Lord as the One True God!

Have you ever played a board game where you start by putting your game piece on the first square of the board?

If we wanted to start on a journey for true wisdom, this would be Square One, where we would start: Fear of the Lord. You can’t skip this square according to God’s instructions! Place the “Start” sign on the floor in front of the children so they can read it, then dramatically step onto the sign.

Today, if you love and serve God, you’ve already got a head start!

Wisdom isn’t just knowledge—it’s the ability to understand and to know what is true and right. It is understanding the best way to apply knowledge in a situation and in your life.

Who asked for the ability to know right from wrong in the Bible story? Solomon.

Good! Solomon asked God for wisdom and the ability to know right from wrong. He wanted to be a fair and righteous judge of God’s people. We need God’s wisdom in doing all God calls us to do, and to follow His ways.

Now, let’s find out about another kind of wisdom that is opposed to God’s wisdom. Please listen carefully so you can answer some questions about the verses after I read them!

Read James 3:13–18:

13 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying. 15 For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. 16 For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. 17 But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. 18 And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

As you speak, hold up each pitcher filled with confetti. We learn in this passage that there is God’s wisdom from above, and there is earthly or worldly wisdom that does not come from God.

Remove or open the box lid and slowly begin to pour the confetti from “God’s True Wisdom” pitcher into the open box. This box represents you and me. We want to be filled with God’s true wisdom. What do you remember from the verses about God’s wisdom—what does it contain? Good and pure things like humility, peace, gentleness, a willingness to yield to others, mercy and good deeds, sincerity, and treating people equally.

Very good; God’s wisdom is good for everyone!

Hold up the “World’s Wisdom” pitcher. Can you remember what worldly wisdom can contain? Jealousy, selfishness, bitterness, boasting, lying, disorder, and evil of every kind!

Does that sound like the wisdom you want to build your life on? No!

Close or put the lid on the box. Wise choice! We need to reject this kind of wisdom and never let it enter our minds and heart. Empty out the pitcher of confetti onto the closed box.

Let’s read what you just chose to do! Read 1 Thessalonians 5:21–22 (cev):

21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.

What are some ways that the world gives us information? The internet, phones, television, music, books, magazines, friends, classmates, and teachers at school.

Yes, these are all ways we can get as much information as we can possibly absorb! Everyone seems to be ready to offer advice and opinions. Some of it can be good and some of it can be bad; it can be helpful or harmful. We always need to compare what we hear or see with God’s wisdom to decide if it is true, pure and accurate. Does it agree or disagree with what God says? There is only one true source of wisdom that we can always trust: God’s wisdom from above. We must choose to build our lives on the true knowledge and wisdom God gives us.

King David instructed his son Solomon that if he followed God’s ways, he would have success in all he did and wherever he went. Solomon knew that the Lord was the only source of the true wisdom he needed to lead God’s people. When God is our source for wisdom, we will experience His blessing and success in our lives.

Speaking of wisdom, it’s time for our Discipleship Challenge where you will learn more about God’s wisdom and build your own Mag-Sys model!

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Display the model craft. Give each child a Mag-Sys Outside Pattern and a Mag-Sys Inside Pattern, plus children’s scissors, pencils, and tape. Assist the children in carefully punching a hole so they can carefully cut out the window. Have children cut out, fold, and assemble their Mag-Sys models according to the instructions. Have the children write their names on their craft with a pencil. Assist any children with special needs.

Look at all of the Mag-Sys models in the room! You will use this craft for the Discipleship Challenge in our three lessons on King Solomon. In the video, Professor Quantum said that even though the Mag-Sys was small, it was the cornerstone of his life’s work! A cornerstone is an important block or piece of a foundation. Joy was amazed that the little Mag-Sys invention made most of Professor Quantum’s other inventions possible.

This is like God’s wisdom. Read Proverbs 9:10:

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.

The fear of the Lord is the cornerstone or foundation of wisdom. On this sure foundation, we can add more wisdom as we build our lives on God and His Word.

Have children open Door 1 of their Mag-Sys models and read the words inside.

The first challenge is about using wise words. Look up and read Proverbs 12:18, then discuss with your family the power of your words and how they can hurt or help others. In addition, you are challenged to pray and ask God to help you use wise words each day! Next time we meet, I’ll ask you what happened when you did that!

Remember, Jesus said that wise people not only listen to His teachings, they must also follow and apply His teachings! (See Matthew 7:24.)