Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

We are learning about true wisdom today. What did Solomon say is the foundation or beginning of wisdom? The fear of the Lord.

Does the fear of the Lord mean we must hide from God? No, it means to respect and submit to God; to be in awe of Him.

Before King David died, he instructed Solomon to be courageous and follow the ways of the Lord. David told Solomon that if he would do this, God would make him successful in all that he did, and wherever he went. (See 1 Kings 2:4.) Later, the Bible tells us that King Solomon did love the Lord and he followed the decrees of his father. (See 1 Kings 3:3.)

Fearing God and obeying Him is the beginning of all wisdom! When we follow the Lord and seek His direction and wisdom, we can experience success in all we do, wherever we go.

Let’s take some time to pray silently and commit ourselves to love, honor, respect, and serve God. Allow time for children to pray silently.

Close in prayer. Dear God, all true wisdom comes from You. Help us never to trust our own wisdom above Your wisdom. We want to put You first in our lives. We love, honor and respect You and want to obey Your Word. Thank You for Your promise that when we do these things, we will be successful in all we do, and wherever we go. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!