Leader Guide


  • Painters tape or masking tape; or chalk if playing outside
  • Twelve paper plates
  • Marker
  • Sixth grade helper or another volunteer to keep score

Write a large “X” on both sides of five plates for Team 1.

Write a large “O” on both sides of five plates for Team 2.

On each of the two other plates, write “TRUE” on the front and “FALSE” on the back.

Using tape on the floor or chalk on the pavement, create a tic-tac-toe game board like the one in the diagram, with each line measuring about 3 feet long.

Tape or mark a line about 10 feet from the game board as shown in the diagram.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “True wisdom comes from God.”

As we learned today, there are different kinds of wisdom—God’s true wisdom and the wisdom of the world, which is often false. False wisdom doesn’t line up or agree with God’s Word.

In this game, you will each have two chances to help your team! I will ask a true or false wisdom question to the first player on both teams. You decide if what I read is true or false wisdom—then hold up the true or false side of your team’s plate to show me your answer. Hold up the two paper plates that each say True on one side and False on the other.

If one player answers correctly, that player gets two points for the team. Both players then may put an X or O on the board; however, the player who answered correctly gets to choose a square first.

If both players answer correctly, both teams score two points and the two players race by HOPPING to the board. Each player gets to put down a plate—but remember, only one plate can go on a square!

If neither player answers correctly, both teams must remove a plate from the board!

The goal is to get three matching plates in a row—horizontally, vertically or diagonally—just like a normal game of tic-tac-toe. As you explain, put the plates on the board in the corresponding order.

The team that does this first scores five points. The board will then be cleared and we’ll start another round. At the end, we’ll add up all the points to determine the winning team.

Divide the class into two teams and have them stand single-file behind the line. If teams are not even, one player may play twice.

Place the stack of X plates by Team 1 and the stack of O plates by Team 2.

Give the first player on each team a True/False plate.

Read the first question from the list below to both teams.

The first player on each team holds up the plate with the True or False side facing you to show their answers.

Give two points to each team with the correct answer, with a sixth-grade helper or another volunteer keeping score throughout the entire game.

If only one player is correct, that player walks quickly to the game board and places a team plate on the square of their choice, then goes to the back of the team line.

The player who did not score points also walks to the board and places a team plate on the board after the other player is done.

If both players answer correctly, they both score two points. Say, “Get ready to hop; go!”

The players hop to the board to try to be first to put their plate on the square of their choice. Only one plate per square, so the first player gets the square and the second player must choose another square.

True or False Wisdom Questions

  1. True wisdom comes from God. (True)
  2. Always do whatever pleases you. (False)
  3. It’s fine to brag about yourself all you want. (False)
  4. Consider others before yourself. (True)
  5. If you want to be a leader, serve others. (True)
  6. Be kind to others onlyif they can return the favor someday. (False)
  7. It’s okay not to share what you have with others. (False)
  8. Lying is fine if no one finds out. (False)
  9. Be a peacemaker whenever possible. (True)
  10. Be content with what you have and don’t be jealous. (True)
  11. Cheating is okay as long as you don’t get caught. (False)
  12. Show kindness and compassion to others. (True)
  13. Do enough good deeds so you can earn your way into heaven. (False)
  14. You only have to obey your parents when they are watching you. (False)
  15. Be faithful in small things, and God will reward you. (True)
  16. Be generous with others and share what God has given you. (True)
  17. Love your friends and hate your enemies. (False)
  18. Fear people rather than God. (False)
  19. Always be willing to forgive others—even your enemies! (True)
  20. Treat others as you would like to be treated. (True)
  21. Conclusion: God is the source of true wisdom, not the popular opinion of the world. Always make sure the advice others give us lines up with God’s Word! We will find God’s true wisdom in the Bible and the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth.