Leader Guide

Magnetic Game

  • Painters tape or masking tape; or if playing outside, use chalk
  • Right and Wrong Signs Pattern
  • Gizmo Sign Pattern
  • Five sheets of cardstock
  • Large box
  • Two plastic flying discs; or you may substitue two large plastic coffee can lids, two plastic plates, or paper plates stapled together

Make two copies each of the Right and Wrong Signs.

Make one copy of the Gizmo Sign Pattern in color if possible.

Tape the Gizmo sign to the box and place it on the floor near one end of the room.

Tape the Right and Wrong Signs on the floor as shown in the diagram, about 10 feet from the box. If playing outside, draw the signs with chalk on the pavement.

King Solomon asked for wisdom so he would know the difference between right and wrong. In this review game, you will need to decide if a statement about the Bible story is right or wrong. You will then step on the sign to “lock in” your answer. Each correct answer scores five points. The good news is that even if you don’t answer correctly, you still have a chance to score a point for your team! If you were here for the Superbook adventure in Lesson 1, you saw Gizmo become a giant electromagnet that attracted metal objects to himself. Even the shields of Solomon’s soldiers flew out of their hands and stuck to Gizmo!

Hold up the discs or plates. These represent the soldiers’ shields. You will toss them toward Gizmo as if he were a magnet. If it goes in the box, you score a point for your team!

Divide the class into two teams. Each team stands single-file behind a set of “Right” and “Wrong” signs.

The first player on each team steps up to the signs and picks up a disc or plate.

Read the first question from the list below for both teams. The players “lock in” their answers by standing on the corresponding sign.

The players then toss a disc toward the box to try to score a point.

Have players retrieve their discs and return them to the next players in line.

The team with the most points wins.

Right or Wrong Question List

  1. David did not have any instructions for Solomon before he died. (Wrong)
  2. David told Solomon to take courage and to be a man. (Right)
  3. Solomon loved the Lord and followed the decrees of his father. (Right)
  4. Solomon offered over 1000 sacrifices at a place of worship called Geronimo. (Wrong—Gibeon)
  5. God asked Solomon what he wanted in a dream. (Right)
  6. Solomon told God that he would like to be the wealthiest and wisest man on the earth. (Wrong—He asked for an understanding heart and to know right from wrong)
  7. God was disappointed that Solomon asked for wisdom. (Wrong—He was very pleased)
  8. God was so pleased with Solomon that He answered his prayer and also gave him what he didn’t ask for—riches and fame. (Right)
  9. Solomon told God in the dream that he felt like a child who doesn’t know which way to go. (Right)
  10. Two mothers came to Solomon and asked him to care for a baby they found in the river. (Wrong—They asked that Solomon judge who was the true mother of the baby)
  11. One mother accidentally rolled over on her baby and the baby died. (Right)
  12. As the mothers waited for his decision, Solomon asked for a sword. (Right)
  13. The woman who cried out and asked Solomon not to hurt the baby was not the true mother. (Wrong—The true mother cried out)
  14. Solomon said to give the baby to the mother who cried out for him to live. (Right)
  15. Once all of Israel heard of Solomon’s decision, they were in awe and saw God’s wisdom upon him. (Right)

Conclusion: That looked like fun. It is important to ask for God’s help to determine right from wrong. The Holy Spirit and God’s Word will guide us into all truth!