Leader Guide


  • Twelve foot rope or string—also used in Game
  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App
  • Poster board or butcher paper
  • Marker

Use the marker to write the SuperVerse on the poster board.

Let’s have the girls say our SuperVerse. Girls say SuperVerse.

Okay, that was good! Now the boys. Boys say the SuperVerse.

That wasn’t bad! Now, all together at the count of three—1, 2, 3! Everyone says the SuperVerse.

That was the best of all!

Who in the Bible story said the words in our verse? King Darius.

Yes! This was an amazing statement from a king who did not worship God. The powerful miracle God performed caused the king and those around him to see the truth!

Hold up the rope. What are some things a rope can be used for? Jump rope, dry clothes, lasso, mark off an area, climb, swing, pull something.

You can use a rope to rescue people in trouble; for example, if they fall into a big hole or deep water. Do you think God used a rope to rescue Daniel by lifting him above the lions?

Maybe an angel used a rope to tie the lions’ mouths shut to rescue Daniel? Smile. NO! God rescued Daniel by His own supernatural, miracle-working power! God doesn’t need a rope to rescue us—but whenever we see one, it can remind us of our SuperVerse.

Have children stand side by side, about an arm’s-length apart from each other, in one long row. Hand both ends of the rope to the first child.

I will hold up this SuperVerse poster while walking in front of you, one by one. The first child will read the first word aloud, then keep hold of one end of the rope while handing the other end to the next child. The second child reads the second word of the verse and, keeping one hand on the rope, passes the end to the next child. We will do this until we say the entire verse and all of you are holding onto the rope. When the last word is read, everyone should hold the rope up in the air.

Adjust the number of words read according to the number of children in your class. You can start the verse over again if you have a large class, or finish the verse as a group if you have a small class. You also may finish saying the remaining words yourself, if necessary.

Note: Younger children may not be able to memorize the SuperVerse. They may simply repeat it several times, while older children may memorize part or all of it. Be sure all children understand its meaning.

You did great! Now, let’s read our SuperVerse, Daniel 6:27 (cev), one more time together! Hold up the poster.

“He rescues people and sets them free by working great miracles. Daniel’s God has rescued him from the power of the lions.”

Can anyone remember our SuperTruth from our large group time?

Let’s shout it out together! “God rescues me from trouble!”