Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • One raw egg
  • One hardboiled egg

Hard boil one or two eggs by placing in water, bringing to a boil, then covering and simmering 20 minutes.

Practice the demonstration ahead of time.

There is a funny expression in English: “He’s a good egg.” What do you think it means?

It means someone has good character and can be trusted. Show the two eggs to the children. How do you know if an egg is boiled or raw? Can you tell by just looking at the egg and not cracking it open? No.

Can you tell what a person is like on the inside by just looking at him on the outside? No.

I’m going to teach you a trick today so that you can tell whether or not an egg is boiled without cracking it open. We can tell by the actions of the egg. Watch. Spin one of the eggs on the table. Now spin the other egg on the table. Which egg do you think is boiled?

The egg that spins freely is the boiled egg. Spin the boiled egg again. The insides of the boiled egg are stuck together and not floating around in the shell. Watch this raw egg spin. Spin the raw egg. It wobbles all over and has difficulty spinning. In a similar way, we can tell what people are really like by their actions.

How do you hard-boil an egg?

You boil it over high heat. When we go through hard times, our faith is tested. We may feel like we are in the middle of a fire. But we want to stay true to God’s ways so we can pass the test and grow stronger in our faith.

The choices we make and the actions we take reveal what kind of person we are. If we make good choices and follow God’s path, we will have a good influence on others. But if we make bad choices, people may be tempted to follow us down the wrong path.

Sometimes it’s hard to know which path to take! Proverbs 3:5–6 has good advice for us:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

So, when we face a difficult situation, how can we know what God wants us to do? Pray, read the Bible, talk to an adult.

Let’s repeat the SuperTruth: “God rescues me from trouble!”