Leader Guide


  • It's All There Instructions: one per team
  • Medium-size boxes: one per team of five children
  • Disposable cups: one per child
  • Paper: one sheet per child
  • Marbles: one per child
  • Pillow cases or medium-size towels: one per team
  • Large paper or plastic bags: one per team
  • Painters tape or masking tape

Copy the It's All There Instructions; one copy for each team.

In a bag for each team, place an Instruction Sheet, five sheets of paper, five marbles, five cups, and one pillowcase. Place each bag into a box.

Tape a line near one end of the room.

Tape a second line about 12 feet from the first line.

In Large Group, you were asked to watch for something that one of the wise men drops after King Nebuchadnezzar orders them killed. What was it? A bird cage with a bird in it.

Very good! Observing a bird’s flight path was one of the methods the king’s wise men used to advise the king. Does that sound like a very good way to get advice about something? No.

How did Daniel receive his wisdom to advise the king? From God.

Yes, God equips us all in different ways to do different tasks. As our SuperVerse says, we have everything that we need to do His will and to please Him!

Divide the children into teams of five children. Children may play more than once on a team for smaller classes. Try to mix older and younger children on each team.

Have teams form separate lines behind the first line.

Give each team a box with a bag of supplies in it.

Identify the first and second lines for the children so there is no confusion during the game.

Explain that each team is equipped with everything they need in the box to complete all of the tasks on the instruction sheet.

Teams will all play at the same time.

Players on each team will work together to complete all three tasks on the instruction sheet. The first team that does this wins!

Be prepared to assist any children with special needs or teams that may not understand an instruction during the game.

Give each team a minute to look at the instruction sheet and to organize their team.

Start the game!

Conclusion: Good job! That really looked challenging and fun! Did you get stuck on any of the steps?

Were you equipped with everything you needed to complete the tasks?

Yes, I gave you all you needed. God enables us and equips us with everything we need to do His will and to please Him! Now, let’s learn more about how God equips and enables us in our teaching time.