Superbook Celebration Option Two

Tower to God Activity

  • Tables, boxes, chairs, or any solid platform on which to stack blocks: 3–5, depending on size of group
  • Small wood blocks for stacking, such as dominoes or Jenga©-style blocks—at least 30 per team, with 3–5 teams
  • Video: Countdown Clock Timer

Place the tables, boxes or chairs on the front platform out of the way. Move them to the front at the beginning of the game. Leave several feet between them.

A Bible story in Genesis 11 tells about some people who came up with an idea of how they could work their way up to God. They decided to build a huge tower that would reach heaven! Do you think it worked? 


No, this was not the way God had established for people to come to Him. You see, from the time that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, people could not come to God on their own because of their sin. What is the only way to heaven? 


Today, we are not going to try to build a tower that goes all the way to heaven—but we are going to race to see who can build the highest tower in 1 minute!

Pick teams by putting some children without parents on each team with families. Have 3–5 teams compete at one time, depending on the size of the group.

Optional: You may tell the teams that they must have a child lay one block, then an adult lay the next block, alternating until the tower is built. 

Play Video: Countdown Clock Timer. Shout “Go!” as you start the timer. At the end of 1 minute, the team with the highest tower wins. Teams may start over each time their tower falls. If time permits, repeat the game so all audience members can participate.  

Great work everyone! I don’t think anyone’s tower made it to heaven, do you?

No, of course not! We know that we can’t build a tower or do good works to come to God. Let’s shout the only way to come to God! 
