Superbook Celebration Option Two

Invitation, Prayer and Closing

This is a time to give everyone an opportunity to receive salvation, to pray and to gather names and contact information for follow-up discipleship.

For the salvation invitation, you may play the Gospel Presentation Video and/or lead the suggested prayer below.

We recommend having a prayer team in place to pray with any families who might request special prayer following the service. Consider giving a modern-language Bible or Scripture tracts to anyone who prays for salvation.

Play Video: Gospel Presentation with Joy (4.5 minutes)

Gospel Presentation with Joy

As we close our Salvation Celebration, we want to give everyone the opportunity to pray a salvation prayer. Let’s all bow our heads and close our eyes.

Dear God, we all have sinned and fall short of Your perfect standard. Even so, You loved us so much that You provided a way for us to come to You. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to live a sinless life here on Earth, then die on a cross to take the punishment for all of our sins. Through His sacrifice, we can have forgiveness when we confess our sins to You and turn from our sinful ways. Yes, Jesus died on a cross, but He rose to life again! He gave us victory over death so we can live with You in heaven forever. Jesus, we know You are coming again. Until then, You have given us Your Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Fill us with Your joy and peace, and help us follow Your will for our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Read Romans 10:9:

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Praise God! If you have prayed these words today—you are set free from your sin and have eternal life through Jesus—the only way to God and to heaven! Now that is worth celebrating! Let’s all clap for God and give Him a shout of praise for His glorious gift of salvation through the name above all names, Jesus!

Before you leave, be sure to take a GizmoNote with links to the Superbook website, where you and your family can find lots of fun Bible games, quizzes, contests, and the free Superbook Bible App. We also have a fun craft for you to do together at home, called “The Road Home Maze.” God bless you!