Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser
  • Nicodemus SuperVerse Wave
  • Eight sheets of cardstock or paper
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board—John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Copy the John 3:3 SuperVerse Wave pattern on eight sheets of paper or cardstock, then scramble them.

SuperVerse Wave: Memorize the SuperVerse with a group activity.

Let’s look at the board and say our SuperVerse together: John 3:3:

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Nicodemus realized that Jesus wasn’t just another teacher. This was Jesus, who was sent by God. Nicodemus acknowledged that God was with Jesus because of all the miraculous signs He performed. When Jesus spoke the truth, Nicodemus knew he could not ignore it; yet he struggled inside with what he believed as a Pharisee.

Jesus only spoke truth. In fact, He called Himself the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He told Nicodemus the truth, not what Nicodemus expected or wanted to hear. The truth is that there is no other way to God the Father, except through Jesus.

Have the class read the SuperVerse on the board together one more time, then erase it. Choose eight children to stand side by side in front of the room.

Give one sheet of the John 3:3 SuperVerse Wave Pattern to each child. If there are fewer than eight children, give two pages to the necessary number of children to display the entire verse. Or, have the class work together to put the scrambled pages in order on the floor.

Starting on the far left (from the class’s perspective), have the eight children create a “wave” by holding up and reading aloud their individual phrases (which will be out of order) and lowering their sheets when done. Ask if that sounded like the correct verse. The answer will be no!

Ask the rest of the class to tell you which reader should be first, second, third, etc. Rearrange the children in that order and have them reread their phrases, creating a “wave” with their papers. Ask the rest of the class if the verse is now correct. If not, have the class rearrange the readers again until they can say the phrases of the verse in the proper order. Finally, have the entire class follow the “wave” to say the verse together two or three times, going faster each time.

Conclusion: We can believe that this is the only way to receive salvation because Jesus only speaks the truth. What must happen to see the kingdom of God? We must be born again!

If children cannot memorize the SuperVerse, be sure they understand its meaning. Remind them to keep working on the verse at home.