Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Ten large plastic disposable party cups
  • Hot glue gun and a glue stick or white school-type glue
  • Posterboard or pieces of cardboard
  • Two ping pong/table tennis balls, plus extras
  • Permanent black marker
  • Table
  • One assistant
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Timer: clock/watch with a second hand, stopwatch, or timer app
  • Refer to Nicodemus Review in a Cup

Cut the poster board in half lengthwise.
Using the marker, write a number on the outside of each cup as follows: number 1 on four cups, number 2 on four cups, and number 5 on two cups.
Glue the bottoms of five cups to each poster board in the order shown in the illustration.
Place the two boards with cups glued in place on the table—see illustration.

Review in a Cup: Play a game to review the lesson.

Divide the class into two teams; they do not need to be even. Have each team stand at opposite ends of the table—see illustration. Have an assistant, such as a sixth-grade helper, stand with one team at one end of the table, while you stand with the other team at the opposite end.

Teams alternate bouncing the ball on each round. Each player receives two chances to bounce the ball into a cup. The first player for Team One bounces a ball on the table between the two sets of cups to try to get it to land inside a cup at the opposite end. Points are added together for that player’s total score.

The player from Team Two takes a turn in the same way. The teams only receive these points if they answer the review question correctly. Ask the same question to both players. The players have five seconds on the timer to tell the assistant or teacher their answer without the other player hearing it. Both answers are revealed, and if correct, both teams are awarded the points they scored from the ball bounce. If an answer is incorrect, no points are scored for that team. If a player did not bounce a ball into the cup but answers the question correctly, one point is scored.

The questions will be a mixture of True/False and fill in the blank. Ask the teams to tell you the correct answer to any false question. Optional: for Grades 1–3, you may have the children try to toss the balls directly into the cups without bouncing them.

Questions and Answers

1. Nicodemus belonged to a religious group. What were they called? (Pharisees)

2. True or False: Nicodemus came to Jesus in the morning. (False—after dark in the evening, night)

3. What did Nicodemus call Jesus? (Rabbi)

4. True or False: Nicodemus came to Jesus with two Pharisee friends. (False—he came alone)

5. True or False: Nicodemus said the miraculous signs were evidence God was with Jesus. (True)

6. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again to see what? (The kingdom of God)

7. True or False: Nicodemus understood right away what Jesus meant about being born again. (False—he asked what Jesus meant )

8. Jesus said that no one can enter the kingdom unless they are born of water and what? (The Spirit)

9. Jesus said that humans can only reproduce what kind of life? (Human life)

10. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit gives birth to what? (Spiritual life)

11. True or False: Jesus said the wind blows where we tell it to. (False—where it wants)

12. True or False: Jesus said that you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit. (True)

13. Jesus asked Nicodemus, “If you don’t believe Me about earthly things, how can you believe Me about ______” what kind of things? (Heavenly things)

14. What did Moses lift up on a pole in the wilderness? (A [bronze] snake)

15. True or False: Jesus said that the Son of Nicodemus must be lifted up. (False—the Son of Man)

16. When we believe in Jesus, we will not perish; we will have what? (Eternal life)

17. True or False: Jesus was invited to eat at Nicodemus’s home. (False—another Pharisee leader)

18. Jesus asked the Pharisees if it was permitted in the Law to heal people on which day? (Sabbath day)

19. True or False: The Pharisees refused to answer Jesus’ question about the Sabbath. (True)

20. True or False: Jesus did not heal the man on the Sabbath day because He didn’t want to offend the Pharisees. (False—He touched the man and healed him)