Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Have children sit in a circle.

New Life Prayers: Communicate with God.

The people of Jericho called Zacchaeus a cheat and a notorious sinner. Imagine their surprise to hear Jesus declare that salvation had come to him and that he was a son of Abraham. Jesus changed his life and made it new.

Jesus has not changed. What He did in the Bible, He still does today. He is ready to give you a fresh start and a new beginning. If you saw the Superbook adventure in the first lesson of our course, you saw Chris open an app on his phone when Joy was ready to become a Christian. On the app, Pastor Aaron prayed a prayer that you can pray today. I am going to pray that same prayer now.

After I read a section, I will pause to allow you to repeat it if you are ready to follow Jesus and make Him your Lord and Savior. I would like everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes. If you are already a follower of Jesus, you can still pray along with us and also pray for those who might be receiving Jesus for the first time. You can pray aloud or silently in your heart; either way, Jesus will hear you. Pray this prayer and pause as indicated:

Dear God, I admit that I am a sinner...
and that I want to have a relationship with You....
Please forgive me for all of the wrong things I have done....
I believe in my heart that Jesus died and rose again...
to take away my sin,...
and I declare Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior....
Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit...
that I may be faithful to You....
Thank You for saving me and for letting me become Your child....
Please speak to me and help me hear Your voice and follow Your ways....
I look forward to spending time with You,...
both here on earth and in heaven....
In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Congratulations to all who prayed this prayer! Welcome to your new life in Jesus!

Close in prayer: Thank You, Lord, for dying for us, so that we might be forgiven and live with You here today, and in heaven forever! Thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us in the truth of Your Word. Thank You for all the new lives which have begun today through Your love, mercy, and grace. In our Lord and Savior’s name, we pray, Amen.

OPTIONAL: If you want to see an app like the one Chris used, check out the Superbook Kids Bible App, which has a prayer like the one we just prayed. Just look under the section that says, “Want to Know God?” The app also has the whole Bible in many languages, devotionals, Scripture games, and other things to help you grow in your faith.

Make sure to follow up with any children who prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior. Encourage them to download Gizmo’s Bible Adventures, a free 30-day devotional for children and their families. Visit Superbook.CBN.com/Pages/Discover/KidsDevo/Gizmos-Bible-Adventures.