Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (1 minute)

Welcome, everyone! Today is the second lesson of our Superbook story, “The Last Supper.” Jesus humbly served others and showed love in everything He did and said. Jesus is an amazing example of how we should treat others. Let’s praise Him as we sing Follow Jesus.

Play Video 11: (Song) Follow Jesus (3 minutes)

Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along and do the motions with the children.

Follow Jesus

SuperTruth and Discussion (2 minutes)

Our SuperTruth for today says, “I will be humble and respectful to others.” What does it mean to show respect to someone?

Respect means to honor and show appreciation to someone. 

Introduce Condensed Bible Story (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in the previous lesson, you may skip it here and go straight to the Bible Background Video.

How was Chris treating his friends at the beginning of the video that we saw last time? He thought his friends should treat him like a rock star.

Chris did not show respect to his friends. Let’s watch a short version of our Superbook story to see what Chris learned from Jesus’ example.

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story (8 minutes)

Condensed Bible Story

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to Jerusalem, where crowds cheer as Jesus enters the city on a donkey. When Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, they learn that greatness in God’s kingdom means serving others.

Discussion (1 minute)

Back in Bible times, people’s feet would get very dirty as they walked everywhere on dusty or muddy roads. Washing people’s feet was normally the job of the lowliest servant! Yet Jesus washed His disciples’ feet to show them how a true leader should serve others. Let’s watch our Bible Background Video to learn more about what life was like at that time in Jerusalem. When Gizmo asks a question in the video, wait for him to suggest some answers, then call out the one you think is right!

Play Video 5: Bible Background (8.5 minutes)

Bible Background

Play Video 10B: SuperVerse Graphic 2

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 2

SuperVerse Discussion (1 minute)

Our SuperVerse is Philippians 2:3:

Don’t be jealous or proud, but be humble and consider others more important than yourselves.

Let’s say our SuperVerse in a fun way together. I would like the girls to begin with the first word of the verse and then the boys say the second word and so on until the verse is completed. Are you ready? Children repeat the verse with the girls and boys alternating words.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group.

Prayer and Send-Off (1 minute)

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to Earth to live a life that was pleasing to You. Let us live our lives as He did with obedience, service, humility, and love. In His name, Amen.

Today in Small Group, you’ll play a game about being first and last. Or was it last and then first? Well, you will find out! Go have some fun together!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.